November 12, 2014

How Can It Be?

I heard this song today and I wanted to share it here. I hope you like it.

And, here is the story behind the song:



November 9, 2014

Faking It

My husband told me yesterday that I consider things deeply. Lately, I have felt very shallow. Like I am skimming over the surface of life. Numb, maybe. Emotionally flat for sure. Until this weekend.

I believe the tide began to roll for me this past Thursday. I felt so uncertain of the words I was speaking. I was feeling overwhelmed not being able to get my thoughts in order to express them clearly. I was caught up by a statement someone made about being tired of faking. It stuck with me.

Over the weekend, I attended a ladies retreat with a bunch of women I love dearly. I hadn't seen many of them for awhile and all asked how things were going for me. Of course, I responded with a smile and a head nod, "I'm well." Each time, I answered the question, I felt more fake. Well, sort of. I mean I am well. My health is good, my family is amazing, I was in the company of people I love, God is showing us great things, we are embarking on a new adventure. I had nothing to complain about and so many things to be thankful for. But still, there has been something nagging at my soul, rattling around in my thoughts, and it wasn't even something I could articulate.

I don't think of myself as a stuffer of feelings and emotions. I am usually pretty transparent and open. Apparently, though, there was junk lurking deep that has been causing all kinds of mess. Retreats allow focus and quiet and often open up deep places. This one brought some things to the surface that need to be dealt with. I thought I would share some of my revelation with you all in case you struggle with these things too.

One of the themes of the week seems to be faking. So, that's the first one I will tackle.

Our perception of people's expectations and ideas about us sometimes cause us to set a standard for ourselves. We are not intentionally deceitful. Many times, we don't want to bring others down. Most times, there isn't time to explain fully what is going on in our hearts and minds. Sometimes, we don't even know what is bothering us and so it's easier to say we are fine. And, all of the time, we are concerned about what others might think of us. If we verbalize our struggles, will people think we are whiny, off-balance, ungrateful, wimpy, incoherent, irrational, silly, vulnerable, bad?

What I have learned and needed to be reminded of is that there is immense value in sharing our stories and struggles. Confessing our weaknesses and insecurities to others relieves us of our burdens and frees us, allows people to speak truth to us when all we are hearing in our heads is lies, allows us to be known to others and opens up the opportunity for others to be known by us, causes people to pray for us, and, so many times, it shows the person we are sharing with that we share similar struggles.

Some stories are harder to share than others. We believe that abortion is so shame-full that we can't possibly share our story. Others will hate us, leave us, gossip about us, think we are horrible people. These are great lies used to isolate us, to hold us prisoner to our mess, to keep us from giving God any credit for our healing, to steal our joy, to keep others in their own hell thinking they are the only ones with this tragic story, and to perpetuate the huge lie that abortion doesn't affect most women emotionally.

The fact is that 1 in 3 American women under the age of 45 have had at least one abortion. There are surely men affected by each of those as well as family members and siblings. There are so many hurting people in our country and around the world and most are suffering silently, alone, too ashamed and fearful to reach out.

We are not alone in our pain and struggles. We need each other. Someone needs to hear your story to help them survive theirs.

You need to share your story to start the healing in your own heart. If you have never shared before, find someone you trust and open up to them. Chances are, they will take you into their arms and comfort you and love you.

If God has been working in your heart to heal you, share what He has done for you with someone who needs to hear it. Sharing His love and compassion and power always brings Him glory and gives hope to the ones with whom you share. You have been given a tremendous gift. Share it!

If you have never had an abortion and someone trusts you with their story, listen to them with compassion, love them and comfort them. It is a very hard story to tell and takes incredible courage to share.

We were created to be in relationship with others. This life is more rich and bearable when we do it together. If you have been faking your way through life, no matter the reason, get real! There are others who need to know the real you.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who loves you extravagantly and longs for you to be whole. He is the great redeemer and He has great plans for YOU!

