August 27, 2016

Always Amazed by His Grace

I am always amazed by God's grace with me, His faithfulness, His close attention, and His perfect timing.

Dave and I were just talking, tonight, about the grace in our lives, the unmerited favor poured over us daily. As we consider our pasts and recognize that any number of our choices could have led to death (and one of mine did, the death of my child) we are struck by God's full mercy on us. Truly, salvation would be more than enough but His graces every day blow us away.

I want to share the story of one of those graces given me last week. I have the honor of teaching a Bible class at a county corrections center. The two classes I am assigned to are on sin and salvation and on the future. These topics are perfect opportunities for me to share my testimony. Not surprisingly, each time I share there is at least one woman in the class who has been touched closely by abortion. This past week was no exception. As I was sharing the hope I have that I will hold my child again one day in Heaven, my words were being translated to another woman in the class. Through the translator, she shared an amazing story with us. I might not have every detail correct but I want to share it as I remember it in hopes that it might also give hope to you.

At this woman's mother's church in another country, there was a young man who had a heart attack and went into shock. As they worked to revive him, he had an encounter with a young girl who ran to him and hugged him and told him that she was his sister. He told her that he didn't have a sister and she assured him that what she told him was true. She asked him to tell their mother that she was well and that she loved her and forgave her. As he was recovering, he remembered the meeting and was confused by it. He went to his mother and asked her if he had indeed had a sister. His mother was shocked at the question and began to cry. He told her what had happened and she admitted to him that she had aborted a baby, a little girl! She had always kept it a secret. What an amazing gift of love God had given to her. What hope she must have had for the rest of her days, looking forward to a sweet reunion with her daughter.

And what a gift this woman in my class gave to the two of us in the room who had chosen abortion! I pray that this story blesses your heart and gives you hope as well. I believe that my Emily is in the arms of Jesus and I look forward to being reunited with her someday.

I cannot begin to tell you how powerful our shared stories are. Please, share your story. Someone needs to hear it!

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. - Revelation 12:11

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